The Cardano blockchain community continues to grow by leaps and bounds as we head into 2023.
Since the formal launch of Cardano’s mainnet in September 2017, many people and ADA holders have consistently joined the Cardano community.
Steady technical development and the introduction of long-awaited features such as Cardano smart contracts and Cardano native assets have fostered tremendous growth and activity.
Currently, there are more than 4.3 million active ADA wallet addresses with more than 1,150 dApp projects building on Cardano’s blockchain.
All these new Cardano users including developers are looking for reliable and up-to-date Cardano-related content.
Over time, some Cardano-focused communities have gathered and created their special niche communities online to share Cardano information.
In this blog, we have compiled some of the best resources for technical, non-technical, and educational Cardano content.
1. Cardano Forum and Reddit

Cardano Forum is an online discussion forum for the global Cardano community run by the community with assistance from Cardano Foundation members and official Cardano ambassadors. It is available in ten different languages.
There are more than 300,000 all-time posts and more than 30,000 different topics spanning everything from technical to non-technical discussions about Cardano. As there are many opinions on the forum, one should use discretion.
Reddit is a platform for different communities and sub-communities that cover a variety of topics, interests, and niches.
Cardano’s Reddit community has over 690,000 members and numerous topics and posts to browse through. The quality of posts and information can vary according to the topic and user so one should use the information provided at their discretion.
2. EMURGO Communities on Twitter and Discord
Following EMURGO on Twitter and joining the EMURGO Community on Discord is a couple of the best ways to get daily information about Cardano from one of the founding entities of Cardano.
In it, people can find information about EMURGO-related products & services including $USDA stablecoin, Yoroi Wallet, EMURGO Ventures, and others.
The EMURGO Discord community is where people can also share about their Cardano-focused projects.
For Cardano developers and those interested in the technical aspects of the Cardano blockchain, EMURGO Academy’s community channels are excellent for communication.
In the EMURGO Academy channels above, blockchain projects can meet some of the brightest EMURGO Academy graduates proficient in Cardano blockchain development and network for developers and other talented blockchain professionals.
EMURGO Academy also hosts regular events around the funding rounds of Project Catalyst, Cardano blockchain’s decentralized governance and funding platform.
In those events, blockchain project founders can showcase their ideas, development progress, and team to promote themselves to the overall Cardano community.
3. IOG Technical Channel
One of the best places to get started as a Cardano developer is the IOG (Input Output Global) Technical Channel on Discord.
It is the official source for technical updates from IOG and technical updates about the Cardano blockchain.
Many of the people working at IOG frequent the Discord channel to answer community member questions. It also has dedicated community moderators to help new people.
It’s one of the best sources of technical information.
4. Project Catalyst
Project Catalyst is one of the most dynamic communities on Cardano and is the name for the decentralized funding mechanism in which Cardano dApp projects can make funding proposals and let the Cardano community vote for those that will receive grants.
These funding rounds last three months.
Through nine different Project Catalyst funding rounds to date, 1,155 projects have been funded with more than $25 million in total funding distributed.
Project Catalyst is one of the best ways to receive seed funding for a Cardano project, voted on by ADA holders.
But to be successful when proposing, it’s important to be a part of the community.
The Discord channel has constant events, educational sessions around how to propose, and many other activities to help future Cardano dApp projects.
5. GimbaLabs
GimbaLabs is an education-based project that came out of Project Catalyst.
They are one of the most active communities in the Cardano ecosystem and offer excellent information about many of the different aspects of the network.
The project has educational content around project-based learning for Cardano dApps. It is also preparing content around blockchain tokenomics, and other topics crucial for the blockchain industry.
6. Cardano NFT communities
NFTs have been a catalyst for the growth of different communities in the Cardano ecosystem as well as a big factor in much of Cardano’s actual on-chain transaction volume. NFTs or non-fungible tokens enable artists, musicians, and creative brands to have unique digital representations of their original works in digital token (crypto) form that can be easily transacted over the Internet via an NFT marketplace and provide ownership rights.
To date, there have been approximately 57 million Cardano transactions recorded.
There are several leading Cardano NFT communities online with an increasing number of users and a variety of Cardano NFT marketplaces where users can buy or sell unique Cardano NFT collections.
Special Mention: Cardano Spot
Cardano Spot is a newly launched social network and information platform for the Cardano community developed by Cardano founding entity EMURGO.
Cardano Spot provides a user-generated interactive platform specifically designed for investment in, distribution, consumption, and monetization of Cardano content.
Cardano Spot’s platform solves the issue of fragmented content in the Cardano ecosystem by aggregating useful content from trusted sources in the Cardano ecosystem to give updates about developments in the Cardano ecosystem.
At the moment the project is in beta, and there is a waiting list for those looking to start joining its community.
Follow EMURGO and our business units to stay updated with all that’s happening in our ecosystem
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Then, follow us on Twitter @emurgo_io and our various business units’ official channels below for a simple way to stay connected and learn everything you need to know.
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