
June 25, 2024

5 Benefits of Joining Intersect (Cardano)



The Cardano blockchain network is entering the community governance phase in full swing as part of its Voltaire era.

Intersect, the member-based organization (MBO) supporting Cardano’s distributed governance, is at the core of aligning community members to build and sustain the blockchain network through committees, working groups, awareness campaigns, events, and other initiatives.

Hence, people and organizations interested in Cardano and Web3/blockchain are encouraged to join Intersect and help shape the future of Cardano. Anyone can join Intersect which has more than 1,150 members.

This blog will further discuss the benefits of joining Intersect and its importance to Cardano’s governance. 

Benefit 1: Participate in Special Interest and Working Groups

Within Intersect, different Special Interest and Working Groups are focused on specific objectives necessary for Cardano’s future sustainability and effectiveness as a community-governed blockchain network.

All Groups are organized and tracked via Intersect. It is important to note that anyone who wants to join these groups must first join Intersect.

Read more: Here are 5 ways to start participating in Intersect

Working Groups are Special Interest Groups activated by an Intersect committee to work on various initiatives, from technical development to policy-making, ensuring robust and inclusive decision-making and dealing with technical and non-technical issues.

Members can start a particular interest group and offer expertise to help shape and implement their ideas into actionable governance actions.

Benefit 2: Take part in Cardano Constitution workshops

The Cardano blockchain network will have a formal constitution document that outlines the rules and procedures for community governance.

This document will build upon the existing interim constitution through global workshops. The Cardano community will then approve the final draft at the Constitutional Convention scheduled in Buenos Aires in December 2024.

As community members, everyone can contribute to shaping Cardano’s foundational document.

To organize one of these workshops, one must register with Intersect, which will help organize, compile, and present the data from the workshops to the overall community.

Related reading:

Benefit 3: Access potential funding

Another benefit for Intersect members is access to special grants. This source of funding is only open to those who are an active part and contribute meaningfully to Intersect.

The grants can be a source of funding and resources for teams contributing to Cardano’s community governance. 

Some of the funding categories that exist are:

  • DRep campaign platform 
  • Constitutional Committee portal 
  • Education
  • Inclusion and accessibility     

The grant amounts are not pre-set and depend on the individual category. 

As Intersect expands, more governance tools will be needed, which may also increase potential funding opportunities.

Benefit 4: Help draft the actual Cardano Constitution

As mentioned, the Cardano Constitution will be a foundational document drafted by Intersect’s community members. 

The first step towards this goal will be the workshops.

The second step will be the Cardano Constitutional Convention, where community delegates will gather and write the first document for ratification. 

To become a delegate, one must join Intersect. There, the different working groups will discuss the requirements and application process. 

All those looking to be part of the drafting of the Cardano Constitution must start with Intersect. 

Benefit 5: Organize local Cardano governance hubs

Intersect is driving a new push to create local governance hubs in different regions. 

The idea is to have a place where the local Cardano community can have further in-person meetings and grow locally. Hubs exist in Japan and LATAM, with more to be added. 

Members of Intersect can request the creation of a hub in their region. There is a process to apply, but Intersect does offer assistance to successful proposals. Only members of Intersect can use it to set up a local hub. 

This is a great way to strengthen the local Cardano community’s governance and help Intersect grow. 

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