October 8, 2024

How Intersect’s Committees and Groups Support Cardano Governance



Intersect is a member-based organization (MBO) that supports the continued growth of a decentralized and inclusive Cardano blockchain network governed by its community.

As such, it must find ways to reflect the community’s voices and incorporate their ideas into maintaining and sustaining the network’s operations. 

To meet this objective, Intersect comprises various Committees and Working Groups that provide opportunities for community members to take on desired roles and accomplish certain goals related to distributed governance.

In this blog, we’ll explore further how these bodies collaborate.

Standing Committees 

Standing Committees are permanent organizations composed of Intersect members. Each Committee decides how to add new people to its ranks. Some do so via applications, while others do so via invitation. 

Each committee has a dedicated open Discord channel where anyone in the Cardano community can interact with members. 

Join the Intersect Discord channel

At the moment, there are seven committees:

  • Civics Committee
  • Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
  • Membership and Community Committee (MCC)
  • Parameter Committee (PC)
  • Open-Source Committee (OSC)
  • Budget Committee 
  • Roadmap Committee 

Each committee is in charge of several Working Groups (explained below) to whom they assign certain tasks and a timeframe for completion. 

The list varies as some Working Groups cease to exist after completing their assigned work, and others are created to solve new problems. Generally, the Technical Working Groups are aligned with similar Standing Committees, while the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) also work with the non-technical Committees. 

Related reading:

AB How Intersect’s Committees And Groups Support Cardano Governance IG

The Working Groups

Compared to the Committees, the Working Groups are more accessible to the average community member. They are arranged around a specific topic and are assigned tasks that must be delivered within a certain time frame. They are divided into two categories:

  • Technical/Product Working Groups

These are groups familiar with the technical aspects of implementing a blockchain network, including cryptography, the topology of the nodes, transaction size, etc. 

These groups get specific tasks or deliverables and a set deadline from a Committee by which they must complete the given objectives. In some cases, this may require the allocation of a budget.

These Working Groups are open to anyone in Cardano. However, their technical nature makes them more suitable for community members with a deep background in Computer Science, Network engineering, or similar fields. 

Others can still join and use the meetings to learn more about Cardano, but it would take time before they could meaningfully contribute technically to finishing a product. 

  • Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

These are groups that tackle other important operations that could be more technical. These could be translations, marketing, business development, and other related activities. Each one is under the wing of an Intersect Committee, which can assign a task to an SIG. At that point, the SIG becomes a Working Group.

Once the members have finished their task, their status as a Working Group ends, and they return to being a SIG. For example, a language allocation SIG can be given the task of translating Intersect’s documentation to Japanese.  

In this case, the SIG is renamed the Japanese Translation Working Group (or something similar) and begins its task. After they finish translating, they return to the original SIG until they are given a new objective.

Any Member can request to be part of a Working Group by contacting them through their Discord channel.

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